CL Web 2025

The Community Relations Division plans, designs and executes programs to inform and educate the public and news media about City initiatives. Our team is comprised of fun and friendly, industry-proven professionals with a wide range of overlapping skills in advertising, digital media, video, printing, marketing, and public relations.

Are you wondering where you can get the latest news on City affairs, commission meetings, entertainment, programs, public safety and more? We provide all the information our citizens and business residents through the following channels:

On Video

Stay in tune with your local video stream with CreekTV. Coconut Creek's YouTube channel serves videos on public safety, announcements, activities, programs, special events, activities and much more.

City's e-Newsletter

Stay in the know directly from your email by signing up to receive CocoGRAM, Coconut Creek's e-newsletter.


On Social Media

Perhaps you prefer the convenience of social media. You can also find most City news, events, happenings, activities, and public announcements there as well. Just click any of the following social media icons to visit Coconut Creek Government's social media channels.

Like us, friend us, tag us, hashtag us #mycoconutcreek.

Share your City event pictures with us!

City Social Media Channels

Police Department Social Channels

On the City's Streets

Our Community Relations Sign Shop installs street banners ahead of City events at various locations, along the main roads and some major intersections. Additionally, the some of the City's light posts are adorned with events or seasonal vertical banners. We also undertake the beautification of traffic boxes along intersections and brand City vehicles so that they are easily recognizable by the public.

Our Sign Shop also decorates all of the City major events with traffic and public safety signage, directional signs, information posters,  a-frames, fence signs, and much more. Also, have you seen the new Parks and Recreation event Showmobile? Yep, that large and beautifully decorated vehicle was also produced in-house.

On the City's Website

Have you noticed some changes? Everyday, we strive to provide an easier user experience. Whether you're paying your water bill, searching for upcoming events, or checking your permit status, we continue to make changes in order to make your experience more efficient. In the upcoming months, you'll notice the City's website take some changes which will make it much easier to navigate.

Butterfly Capital of the World

© 2025 City of Coconut Creek. All rights reserved. Butterfly and Coconut Creek emblem are registered trademark of the City of Coconut Creek. Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.