Florida City Government Week

October 21-27, 2024

City Government Week is part of an ongoing effort sponsored by the Florida League of Cities to raise public awareness about the services that cities perform and to educate the public on how city government works. Cities are encouraged to involve their local schools, businesses, chambers of commerce, media and civic clubs in planning City Government Week activities.

Here is what the City will be doing:

  • "Did You Know" questions on social media
  • Highlights of City employees on social media and website
  • Distribution of Coconut Creek gift for every resident who visits City Hall (4800 West Copans Road) and says, "Happy Government Week"

Here is what residents can do:

October 21-27, 2024

City Government Week is part of an ongoing effort sponsored by the Florida League of Cities to raise public awareness about the services that cities perform and to educate the public on how city government works. Cities are encouraged to involve their local schools, businesses, chambers of commerce, media and civic clubs in planning City Government Week activities.

Here is what the City will be doing:

  • "Did You Know" questions on social media
  • Contests on social media
  • Messages from government officials
  • Highlights of City employees on social media and website
  • Slides on CreekTV, Comcast Channel 78
  • Guest virtual speakers/presenters at local schools
  • Distribution of Coconut Creek gift for every resident who visits City Hall (4800 West Copans Road) and says, "Happy Government Week"

Here is what residents can do:

Any questions? Call the Community Relations Division at 954-973-6722.

Butterfly Capital of the World

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