Non-Profit Donation Program


Non-Profit Donation Program Guidelines

Annual Deadline: June 15th

As this is our first year implementing the Non-Profit Donation Program Guidelines, we have extended
the submission deadline from June 15, 2024, to June 30, 2024.


1) Please read the donation request guidelines thoroughly.
2) Organizations must provide information and/or statistical data on company letterhead about the not-for-
profit organization, how the organization will directly benefit the residents of the City of Coconut
Creek, and the number of Coconut Creek residents they have assisted in the previous 12 months.
3) Organizations must provide Mission and Vision and show how both align with the needs of the
Coconut Creek community.
4) Organizations must provide the funding amount requested and the intended use of the funds.
5) Organizations must submit a copy of the following: 1. non-profit certification (tax-exempt status), 2.
certificate of incorporation as a registered non-profit entity in the State of Florida, 3. W-9, and 4.
confirmation of registration with the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
(FDACS) pursuant to Chapter 496, Fla. Stat.
6) Organizations must have a minimum of two (2) years of verifiable non-profit status in order to qualify
for funding.
7) By accepting donations, organizations certify that they are not and will not engage in any
discriminatory activity, as further defined herein.
8) Organizations that receive a donation must comply with all statutes, laws, ordinances, rules,
regulations, and lawful orders of the United States of America, State of Florida, Broward County, City
of Coconut Creek, and any other public authority that may be applicable.
9) Organizations applying for a donation must have a registered principal address within Coconut Creek
city limits, or must clearly demonstrate how they serve the Coconut Creek community.
10) Requests should be mailed to the City Commission through the Mayor, in care of the Director of
Finance and Administrative Services at:

City of Coconut Creek
C/O Director of Finance and Administrative Services
4800 W Copans Rd
Coconut Creek, FL 33063


The intention of the Non-Profit Donations Program is to help non-profit organizations provide needed
services for Coconut Creek residents, as well as to help produce a variety of activities, which take place in
the City of Coconut Creek, that serve Coconut Creek residents. This program offers organizations direct
financial assistance to help offset program and/or event costs.

As part of the City’s annual budget process, all donation requests received will be presented to the City
Commission for consideration during a budget workshop held in August. At that time, the City Commission
will review and discuss all requests received and will ultimately decide which organizations to fund and
the amount to be funded.

The City Commission may decide to fund an entire request, a portion of a request, or nothing at all. Once
the City Commission has made a decision regarding a donation request, the City will notify the
organization of the outcome via an official City email sent after October 1st of that budget year. If a
donation is approved by the City Commission, the City will mail a check directly to the organization no
later than 90 days after the new fiscal year begins, which runs from October 1st to September 30th.

The City Commission meets and considers requests once a year. Requests will only be considered if all
required documentation is received by the deadline.
Requests must include all of the aforementioned documents within the Brief Guidelines, as noted

All charities soliciting within the state of Florida (excluding religious, educational, political, and
governmental entities) are required to register and file financial information with Florida Department of
Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS). Confirmation of registration can be obtained by visiting

By submitting a request to the City, each organization agrees that: 1. No person on the basis of race, color,
religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, political affiliation, familial status, disability, sexual
orientation, pregnancy, gender identity or expression, or veteran or service member status has been or
will be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or otherwise subjected to discrimination in
the membership of said organization; and 2. No form of discrimination, exclusion, or disparate treatment
on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, political affiliation, familial
status, disability, sexual orientation, pregnancy, gender identity or expression, or veteran or service
member status will be tolerated by any member, volunteer, or other facet of the organization.

The City of Coconut Creek has exclusive authority to interpret the rules and conditions of the program.
The City reserves the right to unilaterally change any term or condition pertaining to the Non-Profit
Donations Program, without notice.

In consideration of participating in the Non-Profit Donations Program, all organizations agree to
indemnify, defend, save and hold the City, its officers, agents, and employees, harmless from any and all
claims, damages, liability, losses, causes of action of any nature whatsoever, which may arise out of, in
connection with, or because of the Non-Profit Donations Program. Nothing herein is intended to serve as
a waiver of sovereign immunity by the City under Section 768.28, Fla. Stat., as amended, nor shall anything
included herein be construed as consent to be sued by any third parties in any matter arising out of the
Non-Profit Donations Program.

Organizations may submit requests once every fiscal year, however funds are limited and there is no
guarantee that any requests will be approved.

The Non-Profit Donation Program does not incorporate in-kind requests and is strictly for direct financial

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