Lightning Warning Information

Lightning Warning Information


Florida is the Lightning Capital of the United States. Lightning kills more people on an annual basis than hurricanes, tornadoes or winter storms. It is second only to flash floods in the annual number of deaths caused by storm-related hazards. 20% of all lightning victims die from the strike and 70% of the survivors will suffer long term effects, such as memory and attention loss, chronic numbness, depression and hearing loss.

85% of lightning victims are children and young men ages 10 to 35, engaged in outdoor recreation and work activities outside. Early recognition that lightning is approaching provides the best defense. Because of this fact, the City of Coconut Creek Parks & Recreation Department wants to be sure that you understand the Lightning Prediction System we have installed in our city parks.

The following lightning policy has been implemented and is enforced by the City of Coconut Creek.

When inclement weather has been detected, the Lightning Prediction System in our parks will generate one (1) 15-second horn blast. (If equipped, a strobe light will begin flashing and remain flashing until safe conditions return). When you hear this, you must:

  • Suspend all play and seek immediate shelter
  • Immediately get away from pools, lakes and other bodies of water
  • Never use a tree as a shelter
  • Avoid standing near tall objects
  • Keep away from metal objects including bikes, golf carts, umbrellas, fencing, machinery, etc
  • Get indoors if at all possible or get in a hard-topped vehicle. Keeps windows rolled up and your hands in your lap

The All-Clear is given when you hear three (3) short (5-second) horn blasts.
The City uses the ThorGuard Lightning Prediction System in our parks and it is operable from 7:00 AM to 10:00 PM The ThorGuard Lightning Prediction systems are located in the following City of Coconut Creek Parks:

  • Lakeside Park
  • Recreation Complex
  • Winston Park
  • George S. Gerber Memorial Park
  • Sabal Pines Park
  • Cypress Park
  • Hosford Park
  • Windmill Park

If you are in a park without the Prediction System, follow the 30/30 rule. If the time between seeing the flash of lightning and hearing the thunder is less than 30 seconds, take shelter. You are in a strike zone. Remain in shelter for 30 minutes after the last flash of lightning. Follow all rules above. Lightning is a severe hazard that must be viewed seriously. Everyone should immediately seek shelter any time they believe lightning threatens them, even if a signal has not been sounded.

If you remain outdoors after the warning is issued, you do so at your own risk!!! ’WHEN THE THUNDER ROARS, GO INDOORS”.

The Coconut Creek Parks & Recreation Department wants you to be safe and to enjoy our beautiful parks. Please be sure to familiarize yourselves with our lightning prediction system so that you can return to enjoy the outdoors another day.

Butterfly Capital of the World

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