The City of Coconut Creek offers a multitude of activities for the senior community.
Located in the Community Center, the Senior Center offers social activities, fitness, games, discussion groups, potlucks, movies, guest lecturers, a book club, parties, field trips and much more. We have over 200 members from around the community. Open to both residents and non-residents, the Senior Center encourages seniors to be active.
Membership Requirements
Age: 50 years old and over
Identification: Driver's License or Passport
One proof of Coconut Creek residency: (water, cable or FPL bill, voter registration, yearly lease registration or renter's insurance)
Register at the Coconut Creek Community Center
Covid Guidelines for Senior Center members
- Members must call 954-545-6670 to reserve their spot(s) for the program(s) they want to attend; including the Zoom programs; Please call Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM, Saturday from 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM
- Please call if expected to be absent
- Pre-registration is required; we are unable to accept walk-ins or calls on the day of the program
- Members can only be in the Senior Room for the organized activities
- No board/card games and puzzles
- Space is limited to 9 members per program
- It is required for all members to wear face masks at all times in the Community Center; If a member wants to wear a face shield, they must also wear a face mask
- Temperatures will not be taken; but it is highly recommended to take your temperature before coming to any programs
- If you are not feeling well, please stay home
- Water, coffee and water fountains will not be provided or available
- No eating in Senior Room or inside Community Center
- Please bring your senior card when you are coming to programs to swipe in at the front desk; if you do not have one please still go to the front desk to check in
- You will be required to complete a COVID-19 waiver upon your return to programs