Roads Personnel
Mohammed Albassam Project Manager
Randall Blanchette, PE Assistant Director
rendering showing coconut creek streetscape improvements

Roadway Improvement Projects

Project Summary

The City of Coconut Creek is committed to maintaining a high quality of life for its residents. The Comprehensive Street Improvement Program is in line with the City's mission statement of fostering continuous quality improvement, quality of life, and personal security.

The City of Coconut Creek started Phase II of the Comprehensive Street Improvement Program in July 2022, addressing over 7.3 miles of city-owned streets located between Coconut Creek Parkway and Sample Road. The improvements consisted of roadway milling and resurfacing, roadway reconstruction, drainage, roadway striping and signage, sidewalk, curbing as well as ADA improvements. Some other notable improvements are an eight-foot-wide, multi-use pathway for pedestrian and bicyclist use around Cocoplum Circle and full sidewalk loops, internal and external, around Carambola Circle for pedestrian use and villages connectivity. The construction phase of this project was successfully completed in May 2023.

Future Work
Phase III of the Comprehensive Street Improvement Program is currently under review, and this phase will be addressing over 10.4 miles of city-owned streets located between Sawgrass Expressway and the northern part of the City or County line. The City is actively pursuing surtax funding to start the project in near future.

Phase IV of the Comprehensive Street Improvement Program has evolved to the South Creek Neighborhood Improvements Project, which addresses approximately 9 miles of city-owned streets south of Coconut Creek Parkway.

The latter includes traffic calming features, roadway paving/resurfacing, widening of existing bridges and sidewalks, drainage improvements, and other measures to improve the mobility infrastructure as well as aesthetics. The City successfully applied for Broward County Transportation Surtax funding for the design portion of the South Creek Neighborhood Improvement project, anticipated to start in 2026. Additionally, the construction is scheduled for 2028 contingent on Broward County Surtax funding availability.

Roadway with lake in distance

Contact the Utilities & Engineering Department at 954-973-6786 should you have any questions.

Paved walkway with lake fountain in distance

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