Fred C. Hofer - Chief of Police

Frederick C. Hofer
Chief of Police
Coconut Creek Police Department

The Coconut Creek Police Department is a full-service, fully accredited agency with the goal of working together with each and every person who lives and works in Coconut Creek to make a difference in their communities and professional environments. Located in northern Broward County, the City is 12 square miles divided into six zones. The population is a diverse mixture of over 57,702 residents.

The Police Department is located at the Coconut Creek Government Center, 4800 West Copans Road, Coconut Creek, FL 33063, on the southwest corner of Copans Road and Lyons Road. Should you need any assistance, the Police Department's lobby is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Police Department News


March 24, 2025
PSA finds Parkland man missing for more than 24 hours

He was missing for more than 24 hours and then PSA Underwood found him.

PSA (Police Service Aide) Underwood has been serving the City of Coconut Creek for nearly 20 years. A couple of weeks ago, she was out writing a report on a fender-bender when she noticed a man who looked confused. He was standing on the sidewalk near where the minor crash she was investigating had taken place.

PSA Underwood knew he wasn't one of the drivers involved. So, she decided to approach him and talk to him. The more he spoke, the more it confirmed her suspicions. He wasn't drunk or on drugs. He was simply lost. Disoriented. PSA Underwood called an officer to the scene who looked into it and found out he was a 69-year-old man missing from Parkland. He had Alzheimer's and was last seen a full day before PSA Underwood encountered him; he spent more than 26 hours on the streets.

PSA Underwood and the other officers got him the help he needed. PSAs interact with the community just as much as our officers do. While their work is different, their dedication to service is the same, as evidenced by PSA Underwood noticing a confused man and having the compassion to help him.


Police Department Hosted Events

January 11 - Car Seat Safety Check

Car Seat Safety Check

Saturday, April 5, 2025
10:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Butterfly Lot
5280 NW 40th Street
Part of the Touch-a-Truck event

Do The Right Thing of Coconut Creek Awards Ceremony

Thursday, April 24, 2025
5:30 PM - 6:00 PM
City Commission Chambers
4800 West Copans Road

Drug Take Back

Saturday, April 26, 2025
10:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Community Center
1100 Lyons Road
Shred Event Logo

Paper Shred Event

Saturday, May 17, 2025
9:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Butterfly Lot
5280 NW 40th Street

Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, but not for immigration purposes. Fingerprinting services are available Wednesdays and Thursdays from 11:00 AM to 2:45 PM, by appointment only. No walk-ins will be accepted. You must bring a valid photo ID. Please note that we are only able to process fingerprints on an original die-cut FBI Form-258 card (blue & white card). We will provide the card. There is a $10 charge per card printed, payable by cash or check. This is for Coconut Creek residents *only* at this time. You can make an appointment by calling 954-973-6700.

Please note important information and instructions:

  • Location: Coconut Creek Government Center, 4800 West Copans Road
  • Hours of service: Wednesdays and Thursdays from 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Schedule an appointment at least 24 hours in advance by calling the Coconut Creek Police Department at 954-973-6700. No walk-in service is available.
  • The cost is $10 per card and proof residency is required such as your identification or a current document containing your name and address.
  • Arrive at least 10 minutes prior to your appointment so that you can complete the City’s COVID-19 screening form and make payment.
  • After making payment, a Coconut Creek Police Department Police Service Aide (PSA) will escort you into the Police Department lobby for fingerprinting.
  • PSA will sanitize the fingerprinting area before and after each appointment.

Copies of police reports and the daily bulletin of events are no longer available on-line due to Marsy’s Law. Police reports and daily bulletins can be obtained by visiting the Coconut Creek Police Department’s Records Unit, in person, at 4900 West Copans Road, Coconut Creek, FL 33063. The building is next to the Government Center. The Records Unit is open Monday through Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. You can also send an email to request any public records maintained by the police department here. Some requests may involve payment for processing. Pay for a Police Record

The City of Coconut Creek charges $60 per hour (minimum of 3 hours) to have a uniformed officer with marked patrol vehicle cover a detail. On national holidays, the charge is $75 per hour (same minimum). Details should be requested as soon as possible to help ensure coverage. Anytime a request is for 4 or more officers, one of the officers will be at a supervisor rate of $70 per hour. If a supervisor is needed on a holiday, the rate will be $90 per hour. For traffic related only details, whenever a police officer is not available, a police service aide can also work the detail. The vendor will be notified prior to the detail and can decline the police service aide if wanted. The City does not guarantee all details will be covered, but will make every effort to schedule an officer for your event. Once your request has been received, the Detail Coordinator will contact you to confirm. The Detail Officer for Event form is available and should there be any questions, you will be contacted.

Sign up for Coconut Creek Vacation Watch Vacation Watch Form on line or contact the Telecommunications Unit at 954-973-6785.

Everyone appreciates being thanked for a job well done. If you would like to thank an employee of the Police Department, emails and letters are welcomed and will become a part of the employee's personnel file.  Send to the Chief of Police, Coconut Creek Police Department, 4800 West Copans Road, Coconut Creek, FL 33063 or email the Interim Chief, Fred Hofer.

Questions can be directed to our department’s Public Information Officer, Scotty Leamon, via email at He can also be reached via phone at 954-480-7196.

Butterfly Capital of the World

© 2025 City of Coconut Creek. All rights reserved. Butterfly and Coconut Creek emblem are registered trademark of the City of Coconut Creek. Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing.